Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How to Use a Facial Scrub

Here's a great video from eHow describing the correct way to use a facial scrub.

Hat tip to The Smoother Skin Blog

Soap is Not a Suitable Cleanser for Beautiful Skin

Modern Solutions for Your Skin:Therapeutic Skin Cleansers

One of the things most people don't realize is that washing your face too often is probably worse for your skin than washing it too little. Too frequent washing of of the face is one of the foremost causes of wrinkles, dry skin, facial lines and other symptoms of aging. You might drink extra water, or change your skin care routine, in an effort to undo the damage caused by this destructive to your skin practice.

It's especially important to be always mindful of our skin condition, so as to not damage it through too much, or too little cleansing. As you age, your skin changes, and your skin care routine needs to change with it. Believe it or not, many woman are still scrubbing their face with cheap and harmful bar soap. As we grow in years, our skin becomes is ever more likely to be damaged by inferior soaps. As our skin ages it loses its essential oils, and becomes more likely to be damaged by soap that scrubs away the skin's essential oils, the oils that protect the moisture and maintains a youthful appearance.

There are many superior alternatives to old fashioned soap and water. There are many modern therapeutic cleansers that will condition your skin perfectly, leaving it youthful and undamaged as you cleanse away the dirt that clogs your pores.

These modern therapeutic cleansers do almost everything from removing discoloration to increasing circulation and effectively increase the rate of absorption of active ingredients from the rest of your daily skin care routine. After use, your skin is left clean, gently exfoliated and completely nourished, leaving your looking years younger with daily use.

Don't confuse the cleanser you see at your local drug store with a therapeutic cleanser. The best therapeutic cleansers will help counter the signs of aging, in addition to doing the jobs that the lesser cleansers will accomplish, such as removing dirt and harmful oils. Seek out the best facial cleansers on the internet and see which ones the experts are recommending. A large sampling of opinions taken from a variety of skin-care review websites will provide a good idea of which therapeutic cleansers are the best and which are not worth the money. The ready availability online of clinical studies and expert reviews for most therapeutic products should make it easier for you to find a suitable product. Any time you take to do the proper research will pay off when you locate the therapeutic cleanser that will erase years worth of damages.

Kinerase Pro Therapy Skin Smoothing Cleanser

One of my favorites is Kinerase Pro Therapy Skin Smoothing
Kinerase Pro Therapy Skin Smoothing Cleanser is designed to promote exfoliation and skin replenishment. Give it a try. I've found that it works best for me and my peculiar half-asian skin if I use it once a day, in the evening, after I've removed my makeup.

Hi There, Welcome, Aloha!

Hi there. Welcome to my festival of me!

Before I start this thing, let me tell you a little about myself.

I'm Korean-American. I grew up in San Francisco, and lived for a while in Los Angeles (I consider myself a true Northern Californian and am glad to be back), I also love fabulous footwear, chasing the latest fashions, cats, steak and potatoes, chinese food, talking, lots and lots of talking. What more can I say, except, I suppose we better get this blog a-rolling.

As far as this blog goes, I intend to talk about all kinds of things and stuff and such, but right now my current passion is experimenting with skin care products. Right now I'm testing out lots of Mario Bedescu skin care items. Luckily, for me, I’m training to be a beautician/hairdress, so I get lots of things to try for free, and it partly explains why I’m so obsessed with skincare. Well, skincare and hair care. Sort of dual obsession for me.

And now, let the blathering begin!

San Francisco Skyline by endulin

Hey, Look! A picture of San Francisco. If you squint real hard you can see my house...well, not really. But it's there, I assure you.